[Stations of the wayfarers] The One, the Unique, the Supreme, the Ultimate, the Benevolent, the Intimate,
He who has showered the hearts of the knowing with noble words from the haze of wisdom and beamed upon them the ancient tablets from slabs of nothingness and guided them to the nearest pathways leading to the first scheme and brought them back from the diversity of causes to the Source of eternity; and Who has revealed to them His powers and entrusted them with His mysteries.
I declare that there is no god but Allah, alone and with no associate, He is the Beginning and the End, the Visible and the hidden, who has spread out diversity far among His creation, then, for the chosen ones, made the sunshine of enablement a testimony to Him. Then effortlessly lifted the darkness of dissension away from them. May His plentiful Blessing and Peace be upon His Favored One Who swore by Him to establish His Truth, Muhammad and his whole family.