“RELIGION IN THE MODERN WORLD Lord Northbourne “There is nothing… that has nothing to do with religion, because there is nothing that has nothing to do with God…” writes Lord Northbourne in this book. He sees the contemporary drift from religion not as an isolated phenomenon unrelated to other contemporary phenomena, but as a manifestation of a relatively recent change in the point of view form which man considers his own life and the universe in which he lives. The theme is developed by contrasting the ideas prevalent in a religious and traditional society with those prevalent in a society, such as that of the present day. In which religious faith is at a low ebb and tradition is discarded in favour of an ideology of progress. The contrast is exemplified with special reference to modern science and the arts, and finally to religion itself. The conflict between religion and science is shown to be a real one, but as existing not because the approach of one or the other is invalid, but because modern science has been accorded a pre-eminence to which it has not right, since the field within which its approach is valid is very much more restricted than it is commonly supposed to be. This book will be of special interest, not only to anyone for whom religion is a reality, but also to anyone who sees any reason to question the validity of the modern ideology, it is not a book to be read hurriedly and laid aside. The argument is condensed and cogent and will be found to offer a logical and consistent basis for an understanding of the nature of the ills that afflict the modern world.”
suahil academy