Ma-aarif-e-Mathnavi – (English) – (PB)

Ma-aarif-e-Mathnavi – (English) – (PB)

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All pralse is due to ALLAH TA’ALA who blessed the “ISHA’ATUL HAQ” with the bounty of undertaking the translation and publication of the “”MA’AARIF- E – MATHNAVI”” of Hazrat Moulana Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (D.B.).
Innumerable Durood and Salaams upon our beloved Nabi Sayyedena Muhammad 181 from whose ocean of knowledge and light the Ulama of the Umm at inherit; to thereby guide mankind till the day of Qiyamah.
The “”MA’AARIF-E-MATHNAVI”” is a commentary of a selection of chapters from the famous masterpiece of Moulana Jalaluddin Rumi (R.A.) , entitled “”MATHNAVI-E-RUM””, which is composed of some 28,000 verses of poetry – the commentary of which was undertaken by Moulana Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (D.B.).
Letters and comments from great luminaries and scholars of Islam (included here-in-after) and in addition, the appreciation and recommendation by such personages of Muhadditheen, Mufassireen and Ulama, clearly indicate the distinction of the Author Name(s) and the esteem in which he is held.
In this day and age when materialistic prosperity is the principal aspiration, and which unfortunately surpasses Religion in terms of chief priority, life revolves entirely around carnal and sensual pleasures – thus the purpose of life itself has been forgotten and the gift of life wasted.
The beautiful characteristic traits pertaining to human excellence which includes shame, modesty honesty sincerity trustworthiness, generosity kindness etc., of which good character is moulded, is presently at its lowest ebb.
Hearts have become veiled in darkness and permeated with evil desires and passions – filled with malice, greed, pride, envy jealousy etc. In satisfying these cravings of the animal self, both the heart and the soul are foolishly exchanged for that which is ephemeral and perishable.
The translation of the “”MA’AARIF-E-MATHNAVI”” into the English language and its publication in such desperate times is indeed a great boon for the Ummah. The translation was ably rendered by Moulana Yusuf Karan of Cape Town.
A study of the contents of the book with an open mind and with a sincere intention of following through with the advises and teachings of Moulana Jalaluddin Rumi (R.A.), as well as that of the Author Name(s) of the commentary, Arif Billah Hazrat Moulana Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb, would be most instrumental in transforming the sensual and worldly love, to the pure, pristine, selfless and healthy love of ALLAH TA’ALA, and His beloved Prophet, Sayyedena Muhammad (PBUH). It is in reality the prescription and the panacea for the maladies and ills predominant in the society It will rekindle the flickering flame of Imaan into a sound faith in ALLAH TA’ALA, His Exalted Status, His Power over all things, His Compassion, His Mercy and His Kindness. Likewise it would strengthen the Imaan in His Wrath and Anger over those who are persistent and heedless of their indulgence in sins, with no thought of sincere repentance. In essence, to rebuild that intimate, sincere and lasting relationship with ALLAH TA’ALA, which is a foundation for true success in both the worlds, this book is indeed a great gift.
Moulana Jalaluddin Rumi’s (R.A.) life and works have been covered in this volume by the Author Name(s) and it would not be out of place to mention that the “”MATHNAVI”” of Moulana Rumi (R.A.) has inspired and illuminated the hearts of millions of people since it was written and has been extensively quoted by our pious Ulama and Auliya.
May ALLAH TA’ALA reward all brothers and sisters abundantly both in this world and in the hereafter, for their voluntary assistance rendered solely for His Pleasure.