Hadrat Mufti Mahmud Hasan Gangohi and the Tabligh Jama'at (Shaikhul Hadith Hadrat Maulana Fadlur Rahman 'Azmi)
Description from the publisher:
This book contains a collection of sayings, advices and verdicts (fataawaa) of Hadhrat Mufti Mahmud Hasan Sahib Gangohi Rahimahullah (senior Khalifah of Hadhrat Shaikhul Hadith Muhammad Zakaria Rahimahullah) concerning the Tabligh Jamaa'at.
Reading through this book will, InshaAllah prove beneficial fot those involved in the work of tabligh. It will also be valuable for others as well.
Author: Shaikhul Hadith Hadrat Maulana Fadlur Rahman 'Azmi
Publisher: Zam Zam Publishers
Pages: 152 Binding: Hardcover