Barakah, how the companions sought blessings from the Prophet & his relics
Tabarak al-Sahabah bi al-Nabi wa Athiri - ''How the Companions Sought Blessings from the Prophet & His Relics''! This excellent new book explains the principle of Barakah (blessings) within the context of hadith with supporting ayats from the Qur'an.
Barakah (blessing) means to ''bestow abundant goodness and multiplication / increase.'' It is also said that it means ''established goodness.'' Blessings are specifically proven as divine goodness and generosity of the Lord. He (the Exalted) stated :
'' We would have sent blessings upon
them from the skies and earth. ''
The blessings of the sky are rain and the blessing of the earth is its produce. Blessings are a passive particle (ism al-maf'ul) from where we attain abundant good.
This outstanding work is unique as it uncovers through authentic Sahih ahadith what the pious Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, sought blessings directly from. Whether it was through touching the Blessed Clothing or remants (blessed hair or blessed nail clippings) of the Beloved Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, items that he touched, etc, this amazingly work mentions it all.
Table of Contents :
---Author's Introduction,
---Author's Preface,
---[1]. Blessings from His, ﷺ, Noble Being,
---[2]. His, ﷺ, Blessed Saliva,
---[3]. His, ﷺ, Blessed Perspiration,
---[4]. The Blessed Water of His, ﷺ, Ablution,
---[5]. The Blessed Remnants of His, ﷺ, Drink or Cup,
---[6]. His, ﷺ, Blessed Clothes,
---[7]. The Touch of His, ﷺ, Blessed Fingers,
---[8]. His, ﷺ, Blessed Hair,
---[9]. His, ﷺ, Blessed Staff,
---[10]. His, ﷺ, Blessed Ring,
---[11]. His, ﷺ, Blessed Sandal, (Nalayn),
---[12]. The Water that came through His, ﷺ, Blessed Fingers,
---[13]. His, ﷺ, Fingernails,
---[14]. The Blessing of what He, ﷺ, Touched,
---[15]. Consumption of His, ﷺ, Blessed Blood,
---[16]. His, ﷺ, Blessed Urine and it's Healing Properties,
---[17]. His, ﷺ, Blessed Relics,
---[18]. His, ﷺ, Blessed Body,
---[19]. Benefitting by His, ﷺ, Blessed Name,
---[20]. Jews Seeking Blessing from Him, ﷺ,
---[21]. Christians with His, ﷺ, Blessed Letter,
---[22]. The Ruling of Seeking Blessings from His, ﷺ, Grave,
---[23]. Are there any Relics in Our Time ?
---[24]. The Relics held at the Husayni Masjid, Egypt,
---[25]. The Relics held at the Topkapi Palce, Turkey,
---[26]. Locations of the Noble Footprints and Scholarly Opinion on Them,
---[27]. Barakah in the Qur'an,