If you master these word lists, you need to know only 2 out of 9 in each line of the Holy Qur’an (based on statistical average using a typical Qur’anic Mushaf containing 600 pages, with each page having 15 lines).The words given in this booklet account for 82.6% (64,282) of the total number of words (approx. 77,800) of the Holy Qur’an. The words listed in the first six pages occur very frequently. Some of them occur in combination with each other. They constitute a whopping 41.5% (32,263) of the totalnumber of words.The next pages, from 7-14 (noun pages) and 15-33 (verb pages), show the number of times that the noun or the verb in its various forms occur in the Holy Qur’an. For each verb, the past tense, the imperfect tense, the imperative, the active participle and the verbal noun are provided. It is assumed that based on this information, you can reproduce the whole verb table, samples of which are provided at the end of this booklet.