Spiritual Gems
The Mystical Qur'an Commentary
Ascribed to Imam Ja'ar al-Sadiq(d. 148/765)
Translated and Annotated byFarhana Mayer
This corpus of exegetical comments constitutes arguably the earliest extant
mystical commentary on the Qur'an. It was preserved and transmitted by the
Sufis of the early centuries of Islam, and is found in the fourth/tenth through
fifth/eleventh century compendium compiled by al-SulamÏ (d. 412/1021), in
which Ja'far al-Sadiq is one of the most frequently cited authorities.
Spiritual Gems is the first ever English of this important corpus from al-ߥdiq.
Complete with analytical introduction and scholarly notes, the book contains a
detailed exposition of the methods and levels of scriptural interpretation used
in this commentary and of the cognate ontological continuity between the lev-
els of the human microcosm.
The spirituality of this text is a deeply mystical encounter with the truths enun-
ciated by philosophy and religion. In addition to surmounting temporal differ-
ences, the inner landscape of the commentary rises above formal differences; by
virtue of its universal message, it is as relevant today as it was in earlier times.